• There are many type of Transport in wales. You can take the bus, train, plan, car, bike, etc.

    For traveling in wales Easily, you can go in this web site : http://www.traveline-cymru.info/. It's a  very simple web site. You can organise all your journeys in UK.

    I have already used this web site for my future traveling.

    However you can practice carpool. It's very easy in Wales.


    1 commentaire

    You should not believe that we eat only fish and chips in Wales. The lamb, first of all, is a member of big favorites, in particular in stew (stew, or stiw in Welsh) or in the honey.

    A very traditional, nourishing and little expensive option, which we find on most of the menus: cawls, thick soups the composition of which declines according to the seasons and the regions, sometimes with some meat or only in vegetables.

    Glamorgan sausages, which are not the real sausages because make from crumbs of bread, cheese, leeks and onions, is often proposed to the optional breakfast "vegetarian".

    Welsh faggots is small balls of meat with liver and with onions, whereas welsh rarebits is toasts spread with a mixture of cheese and with milk (and mustard sometimes), on which we put down( then some edges of tomato or an egg on the dish.

    Side fish, you will be served, with simple receipts in the steak pan, or in the butter, but it will absolutely need to try fish cakes.


    The food

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  • I'm going to Wrexham by bus. I take the company Euro-line. Its a great company, because there are a lot of destination and it's cheap. I think I'm going to leave Paris the 2 February for going to London. Maybe I'm going to see a friend there. I'm going to visite London 2 days. After I'm going to take the bus at London Victoria for going to Wrexham. Of course there are others ways for going to Wrexham. You can take the car or the plane.       

    How to go to wrexham

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    The city of wrexham



    Wrexham is the largest town in North Wales. It is the administrative centre  of the wider Wrexham County Borough, located in the east of the region.

    It is situated between the Welsh mountains and the lower Dee Valley close to the border with Cheshire, England.

    As the largest town in the north of Wales, it is a major centre of the region's commercial, retail and educational infrastructure.


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